Sunday, June 30, 2013

We Love Brian!

Since it's the last day of the month, I figured I should finally get around to blogging about Brian's birthday and first Father's Day. We must really like to double up on holidays because my birthday is right next to Mother's day; Brian's is close to Father's Day, and our anniversary is a week before Christmas. Anyway, Brian has been amazing this month and definitely deserves a shout out.

Brian, who didn't want to wake me up before he had to leave for work because he knew how precious sleep is right now, actually opened his presents (ipod touch, tools, The Advengers, and the last 2 James Bond movies) by himself. :( It was a busy day because it was both of our last day of work. I had to clean out my classroom, and Brian finished his a last day at the SLC office for Sinclair. After work, we met up with Brian's friends Alex and Jordan and their families for a bbq to celebrate and so they could all meet Oliver. Then we had to pack...not the funnest way to spend your birthday!

I love this picture!

 Brian was a good sport for Father's Day too. We moved out of Park City two days after his birthday and moved into our Wyoming home two days before Father's Day. There was a lot of transitioning, unpacking, and living out of suit cases going on. Still, it was such a great feeling to see Brian and Oliver together at church while we celebrated Father's Day. Here are 5 reasons Oliver and I love Brian/Daddy:

1. He is strong. He really did so much of the moving and heavy lifting by himself. He made several solo trips to put our things in storage before we left.

2. He can fix anything! Or if not anything...a lot of things. And believe me, since moving to Rawlins, a lot of things have needed fixing!

3. He has a good attitude. Even when I have been more than a little pessimistic, Brian is always there to lift my moods and give perspective. He has killed so many moths for me I have lost count. He knows how to make me smile when I want to cry and works hard to put his family first.

4. He loves Oliver. I have loved watching their interactions over the last 6 weeks. Brian is absolutely smitten! He is so good a calming Oliver, and when they cuddle, I just melt inside. Brian is also so protective of him. He's the one making sure everybody has washed their hands and that the car's AC has cooled down the car enough before we buckle Oliver in.

5. He loves mommy. If the best thing a father can do for his children is love their mother, than Brian is going to be a great dad! He has been amazing. From supporting me in the hospital, to massaging my elephantitis sized swollen feet and ankles, to sharing in the responsibilities with Oliver, Brian has been my rock. I've leaned on him more than ever before, and he accepted the challenge willingly.

We love you Brian! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

we made it a whole month!

Our baby is growing up so fast! I can't believe it's been a month since our little Oliver was placed on my stomach, and I got to stare into his deep blues for the first time. I'm already forgetting exactly what it felt like to be pregnant. It has been over a week since accidentally reaching for my belly to feel his little kicks and movements inside me only to realize that those moments are gone for now. But what I have instead is so so much better! Oliver has truly stolen our hearts. Brian and I can just sit and watch him for what seems like forever.

Here are some fun facts about Oliver at one month:

* We don't have a scale at the moment, but we are estimating he weighs 7.5ish lbs now. He is still wearing newborn clothes and newborn diapers.
*He is a great cuddle buddy. He especially loves to lay on our chests and snuggle up into a ball. I hope he stays this way for a long time.
*Still loves to put his hands up near his face when napping by himself. He also loves to be stretched out. We only swaddle him at night.
*He likes baths and loves showers. He is so curious and calm in the water.
*He moves his head from side to side like a champ and tries to kick/scoot without much success during tummy time, but his favorite thing to do on his tummy is suck on his fist.
*He gets the hiccups at least once a day.
*His dry skin on his scalp is practically gone and he has just a tiny bit of baby acne.
*He can sometimes put himself to sleep and is sleeping in 4-5hr stretches at night. He is a great car sleeper, which has been a huge blessing with the move and such.
*Brian swears Oliver laughed the other day, but I wasn't there to confirm it.
*He is sometimes burping on his own now but has started spitting up a lot this week.
*He tracks and responds to our faces and still loves to stare at lights.
*His eyes are slowly turning a lighter blue, and he hasn't lost any of his newborn hair yet. We can't wait to see what he looks like in a couple of months!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

changes and firsts

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of change and firsts for the Moote family. On Sunday, June 9th, we took Oliver to church for the first time and then finished packing up the car and drove to Wyoming. It's pretty surreal to think that our time in Park City is over. Park City is what brought me to Brian. Park City is where I got to start my career as an educator. Park City is where I found out I was pregnant and where I brought home Oliver from the hospital. Park City is where I have spent the last 4 years of my life. There are so many precious memories attached to those 4 years, and I will always be grateful for my time there.

Here are pics from Oliver's first time at church. He got to meet our Snyderville ward family, and we got to say goodbye all at the same time.

Then we were off to Wyoming. Oliver was a great traveler and slept most of the way with just one stop at the Little America to nurse and get an ice cream cone. Our housing situation wasn't worked out completely yet, so Sinclair put us in an hotel for 5 days. It was kind of like our own mini vacation, except that Brian had to work all week and his car broke down. Friday, we were finally ready to move into our new home for the next two months. They had just put in new carpet, but the place was SO dirty! We didn't even unpack anything Friday because we spent the whole day deep cleaning. We still haven't been able to get rid of the old house smell. 

One thing about being in a hotel for 5 days is that you end up eating out a lot. It's kind of hard to lose baby weight when you are frequenting McDonald's, Burger King, Subway, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and KFC. (We seriously ate at all of them, no joke.) But we did splurge one night and try out a local favorite, Bucks. Definitely worth it after so much fast food!

Also during our time in the hotel, Oliver turned 3 weeks old. He is starting to fit into some of his larger newborn clothes, like the outfit below from Nana Jones. He struggled a little bit our first two nights at the hotel, but then got back to his usual calm and pleasant self. I think Mommy and Daddy's stress levels started to stress him out too. :)

Look how cute Ollie is in this Sunday tie! He slept through all 3 hours of church for our first Sunday in Rawlins. It was a great first Father's Day present to Daddy...and Mommy too. 

Oliver still loves his favorite sleep position. I think I'll be really sad if he ever grows out of it. Also, Whitney came to visit to two days this week. We went to museums, ate yummy Thai food and ice cream, watched movies, and hung out with baby Ollie. Aunt Whitney even babysat so that Brian and I could go see "Man of Steel." It was our first date night as parents.

So there you have it. Wyoming is Wyoming. We definitely don't want to live here forever, but it will be ok for 2 months. Honestly, as long as our little family is together, we're happy. More updates to come now that we have internet. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Baby Oliver: 2 Weeks Old

I've taken to calling Oliver "little dude" a lot recently. And after today's appointment, the name is all the more fitting!

Oliver's Stats
Weight: 6lbs 12oz (8th percentile)
Height: 19.69in (17th percentile)
Head Circumference: 13.8in (14th percentile)

Good news is that my little dude is healthy, mostly happy, and has passed his birth weight...not to mention he is just so adorably cute!