It's been 10 weeks today since Oliver decided to make his grand entrance into our lives and a little over one week since his two month birthday and check up. Somehow we both survived his two month shots and a five hour car ride back to Rawlins.
This pretty much sums up how it went....
Thankfully, the next morning Oliver was already feeling significantly better!
So here are the 2 month stats and fun facts about Oliver:
Weight: 10.74 lbs (26th percentile)
Height: 22.44 in (30th percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.2 in (17th percentile)
*He has such strong legs! When vertical, he loves to practice standing up and pushing off with his legs. If you have him horizontal, he could do bicycle kicks all day long.
*He can lift his head, neck, and chest off the ground now during tummy time but still hasn't shown any interest in rolling. During tummy time, he mostly kicks himself over the boppy or kicks/scoots himself in circles.
*He laughed! A real, legit laugh, followed by a huge smile. Brian and I both heard it this time. I wonder what he was thinking?!?
*He was sleeping through the night (8hr stretches) before his shots but now he is all over the place. The last 2 nights he has woken up 3 times each. This is definitely our least favorite side effect!
*He is interacting more and more and tries to have conversations with us by making the funniest noises.
*He still enjoys baths and showers and has even been getting better about towel time. We have been practicing quite a bit getting his head and face wet, so he will be ready for the pool in a couple of weeks when we go to Georgia!