Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hawaii: Part 3

Day 4:  On Friday,  Brian and I went out and enjoyed the day at Waimea Bay.  We jumped off the rock into the ocean, played in the water, Brian snorkeled, and we ate a picnic lunch.

Day 5:  Amy and Lorrin both had the day off, so we actually got to do some fun stuff with them together!  First, they took us on a really great hike through the Hawaiian Jungle to Mauanawili (Twisted Mountain) falls.  Brian and Amy both jumped off the 45 ft cliff!  I did the 30 ft jump, and that was enough for me!

Then we met up with some other Georgia friends, Clark and Monique, at China Man's Hat.  We took turns hiking out through the water to the island and then hiking to the top.  I've got to say this was one of my all time favorite things we did during our entire trip.

We also had fun playing with my two favorite babies and picnic-ing on the beach.


Day 6:   And on Sunday, we rested.  :)  We went to church, took naps, and played some fun new games.

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