Friday, November 4, 2011

missing my long, brown hair

Warning:  The post below is totally self absorbed and a little vain.  Read at your own risk...

I am in a hair rut!  It's been a whole year since the last time that I dyed my hair a few weeks before my wedding.  Other than a few trims, I haven't done anything with my hair, and recently my hair has just been driving me crazy!!!  These days I rarely even wear it down.  Most of the time, I just throw it in a ponytail, crazy braid, a messy bun and call it a day.  It's in that terrible stage where it's not really long but also no longer shoulder length either.  I'm also not sure about the color.  I loved going brunette, but I hated the long process of going back to blonde and all the damage that came with it.  Basically, I have no idea what to do with my hair these days and just wanted to vent and complain a little bit.  I miss my hair looking like below... :( ...but my hair refuses to grow longer and hair coloring is expensive, plus a  it's kind of a big commitment for someone as non-committal as myself. ;)

P.S  On a happier note, how cute was our pumpkin snowman?!?!


  1. but remember how great your engagement pictures look as a blonde?
    stay blonde, ashalily. it's bestest!

  2. Don't worry Amy. I'm not coloring my hair any time soon...I just want my hair to look pretty like yours! :)

  3. Hello friend! We miss seeing you guys so often. :( I haven't stopped by your blog in awhile... just wanted you to know, I think this is a married woman thing! I haven't colored my hair since before the wedding, and other than a few trims I haven't done a thing. We're too broke for hair color. AND, let's face it, the stuff that comes in a box is TOO addictive and suddenly three months later I have orange hair. (true story, and my hairdresser friend emily made me promise, never again) Anyway, I get it. Bored with the same. You're cute regardless!!! Hope you're well. I'd love to see you guys one of these days!
